How To Create Route Google Maps
Get directions & show routes
You can get directions for driving, public transit, walking, or biking on Google Maps. If there are multiple routes, the best route to your destination is blue, and other routes are gray. Some directions in Google Maps are in development and may have limited availability.
Important: Stay alert when you use directions on Google Maps. Always be aware of your surroundings to ensure the safety of yourself and others. When in doubt, follow actual traffic regulations and confirm signage from the road or path that you're on.
- On your computer, open Google Maps.
- Click Directions
- Click points on the map, type an address, or add a place name.
- Choose one of the following:
- Directions to multiple destinations, or waypoints, aren't available for public transit or flight searches.
- Directions searches might not be available in all regions.
- Not all cities have public transit directions in Google Maps. Before you can get transit directions, your local transit agency needs to add their route info to Google Maps. Learn which cities are covered.
- To change a driving route, click and hold a spot on the route and drag it to a new spot on the map.
Add multiple destinations
- On your computer, open Google Maps.
- Click Directions
- Add a starting point and a destination.
- On the left, below the destinations you entered, click Add
- To add a stop, choose another destination.
- To continue adding stops, repeat steps 4 and 5.
- Click on a route to get the directions.
Tip: To change the order of your stops, find the destination you want to move. Click and drag the destination.
Customize your route
Avoid tolls and highways
- On your computer, open Google Maps.
- Click Directions
- Click points on the map, type an address, or add a place name.
- Choose Options.
- Check the box next to "Tolls" or "Highways."
Change your travel time
You can change your travel date or time to find the best route before you leave, based on estimated traffic and transit schedules. To change your travel time, follow the steps below.
- On your computer, open Google Maps.
- Get directions.
- After you've gotten your directions, click Leave now.
- To change your travel dates or times, select Depart at or Arrive by.
Tip: If you have more than one destination, you won't be able to use this feature.
Other ways to use directions
Share directions with others
Tip: You can also copy the web address from your browser's address bar in all browsers except Internet Explorer 8 or 9.
Send directions to your phone or tablet
Tip: If you have more than one destination, you can't send directions to your phone or tablet.
Print directions
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How To Create Route Google Maps
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